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Capture and Use the Voice of the Customer for Product Development
Capture and Use the Voice of the Customer for Product Development is the first and only downloadable and interactive guide to allow product teams to effectively capture and use customer requirements. Developed by product development veterans, this guide includes a vast collection of process maps, tools and interactive templates with examples and step-by-step instructions.

With this guide at your disposal, you will be equipped to immediately start unveiling important stated and unstated customer requirements and transform them into high-impact products.

Unique Benefits

  • It's a step-by-step "how-to" guide. It provides all the processes, tools and templates that you need to plan and execute a requirement gathering program from beginning to end - even in chaotic environments.
  • It helps you focus your effort on creating superior customer value.
  • It's been field-tested and continuously improved over many years with actual product teams to ensure effectiveness and immediate applicability in the real world!
  • Because it's an enhanced PDF file, the e-Guide takes full advantage of hyperlinks, "fillable" forms, interactive templates, and more. You are no longer tied to the old paper model. Plus you can share the forms, templates and processes with your colleagues around the world.


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East Building BHC,
No. 2218 Hu Nan Road,
Pudong Shanghai,

T: +86 21 5090 6116
F: +86 21 5106 9030

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