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The 8th Session of VBP workshop on Feb. 27th -28th 2014

Are you leaving money on the table when making pricing decisions?

Your products and services are not the same as your competitors. And neither are your costs, your channels to market or your customers. So why should your prices be the same as your competitors?

This fresh new 2 day Masterclass will help you explore the very latest approaches to value-based pricing. You’ll explore the real meaning behind customer value analysis and economic value analysis and how it impacts your own business. You’ll receive real benefits that are direct, immediate and measurable. If you’re not using the right pricing methodology, then you’re leaving money on the table. Customers don’t buy a company’s products because of what it costs you to provide it; they buy it because of the value it delivers to them.


“It is an excellent training with full useful knowledge & information and I will recommend to others.”

- Participant from Schneider

“A practical pricing course”

- Participant from Afton Chemical

“Good. Wish to participate such workshop (again) in near future”

- Participant from Hertz China

“Valuable training with good class sharing.”

- Participant from Corning

“I learned a lot from the training, got useful materials related to pricing, good to learn from experienced teacher and others”

- Participant from Emerson Process Management

“Very good and very useful.”

- Participant from Afton


Enquiry Contact:

China Office:
Room 1815,
East Building BHC,
No. 2218 Hu Nan Road,
Pudong Shanghai,

T: +86 21 5090 6116
F: +86 21 5106 9030

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