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Market & Customer Insight for PM Leadership

Mar. 23-24 2016

To be a leading Product Managers or Marketing Manager you must be a master of gaining and using market insight in order to make critical decisions.
The Market and Customer Insight for PM Leadership program provides practical methods and tools to gather and analyze market information and customer needs that lead to compelling marketing plans and the ability to lead day-to-day strategic decisions that meet the needs of executives.

You’ll learn skills such as:
· The key elements of marketing leadership
· Gaining the right insight into customers and markets
· Using customer and market data to develop strategic marketing plans
· Building the business case for new products and marketing tactics

This seminar answers the following key questions:

  1. What are the key skills that every product and marketing leader must master?
  2. What are the critical types of market insight that must be obtained for success?
  3. How can you efficiently get, analyze and communicate competitor information?
  4. What are the best tools to gain accurate insight from customers?
  5. How can you effectively work with sales to gain accurate insight with limited time?
  6. What are the best tools (such as the right way to use SWOT) to make tough decisions?
  7. How can you best structure fuzzy market and customer information to develop great plans?
  8. How can you gain support from executives and peers for your plans and decisions – every time?



Enquiry Contact:

China Office:
Room 1815,
East Building BHC,
No. 2218 Hu Nan Road,
Pudong Shanghai,

T: +86 21 5090 6116
F: +86 21 5106 9030

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