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New Product Introduction in Manufacturing

August 24-25 2015

Over half of the quality and cost issues are related to products with design changes in the NPI process. The smooth start up is of critical importance of new product success and profitability.

Combined with industrial best practices, we are bringing you the proven and most hands-on methodologies on how to launch the new products successfully into factory while hitting the goals on quality, cost and delivery.  

We are pleased to announce the 10th session opening for Successful New Product Introduction in Manufacturing Workshop on Aug. 24th-25th 2015 in Shanghai.

The workshop will cover the topics:

• The philosophy, techniques and systems for new product introduction in factory;
• Planning and Evaluation Methods;
• Process Development in NPI;
• Supplier Process Development in NPI;
• The expert level of Problem Solving methods and root cause analysis;
• Quality control at NPI stage and involve supplier early in product design.

The facilitator Mr. Kevin Hop will bring with his 28 years' experience in New Product Introduction in Manufacturing and most practical tools and techniques to solve different and difficult issues in factory.


Enquiry Contact:

China Office:
Room 1815,
East Building BHC,
No. 2218 Hu Nan Road,
Pudong Shanghai,

T: +86 21 5090 6116
F: +86 21 5106 9030

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