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Winning Marketing Strategy Workshop

November 12-13 2015

Building a successful marketing strategy is critical to success of a product, brand or business.  Making certain that key aspects of where the product is positioned, why consumers believe it is different and why they purchase it are critical elements in building an effective marketing strategy. With the right strategy, the company can deliver better marketing programs, better products and service at higher volumes through better channels at higher prices to drive greater revenue, profit, brand and share.
This highly interactive and intensive training course provides participants with the latest practices, tools and techniques. Our format combines real-world practical case study examples, hypothetical scenarios, group exercises and tutorial style presentations with a focus on collaborative and interactive learning.

This workshop will provide:

  • ● Sample marketing planning forms and spreadsheets;
  • ● Developing key brand messages for each decision-maker based on customer preferences;
  • ● It will help you determine whether one marketing tactic is better than others at delivering more revenue, sooner and at higher prices;
  • ● You will be able to track short term response to be able to make better decisions as the marketing strategy unfolds throughout the year.

Some Testimonials: 部分客户评价

● “Very professional, and also good to see many friends from other international companies.”

● “Professional and practical workshop. Helpful for marketers”

● “Give me time/chance to rethink of marketing job. Very good”

● “Very useful marketing course. I learnt a lot form this training”

● “Highly relevant to my job and have a good guide to work”

● “This training provided practical steps to build up a realistic marketing plan. Great help!”

● “Good enough for professional marketers”

● “Just excellent!”


Enquiry Contact:

China Office:
Room 1815,
East Building BHC,
No. 2218 Hu Nan Road,
Pudong Shanghai,

T: +86 21 5090 6116
F: +86 21 5106 9030

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