This workshop is designed to experienced product leaders to get the important tools and methods which facilitate the success of their products and career. The product leadership skills include:
· How to create strategic product vision and strategy;
· How to create effective product requirement and roadmap, support product development;
· How to make optimal product portfolio and evaluate product performance.
The Strategic Product Leader provides proven tools and methods to lead product development efforts. Once these skills and techniques are learned, the experienced product leader will quickly gain respect and status as a leader in their organization.
This intensive two-day workshop uses an interactive format including lecture, case studies, and real world exercises to improve participants understanding and application of:
· How to develop a customer-centered product vision and strategy
· Tools and techniques to right clear, effective product requirements and develop roadmaps to lead development efforts
· Specific techniques to make important new product decisions and influence peers and management
· Methods to manage product portfolios and make tough decisions to optimize resources to meet business objectives
If you are interested in knowing more information, please contact us for a course brochure with full details.