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Winning Channel Strategies with Agile Method

June 3-4 2019

Every company needs to innovate how they get their products and services to market.  As more companies compete for the best channel partners, managing them effectively can be a competitive advantage. Building an Agile channel strategy is essential to stay ahead of your competition. The Key Success Factors of the Agile Channel Methodology© are created for channel and alliance professionals who realize the ever-changing nature of channels and need to stay on top of the best routes to market.

Upon completion of the workshop participants will be better equipped to improve sales productivity and company profitability by:

- choosing the best channels to reach your markets
- speeding up the enablement of your partnerships
- identifying potential roadblocks and critical partner sales processes
- structuring your organization to operate more effectively
- a better understanding of your partners’ business imperatives, and how these may be influenced
- improved partner influence skills to increase partner focus and investment in new business
- greater understanding of how to build and manage successful partnering relationships
- identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your channel and partnering program

If you are interested in knowing more details, please feel free to contact us!


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No. 2218 Hu Nan Road,
Pudong Shanghai,

T: +86 21 5090 6116
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